5 Mulch Mistakes to Avoid
We’re pretty big fans of mulch, but we’re not afraid to admit that there are a few ways your mulch project can go wrong. If you need mulch for your New Jersey HOA, playground, or apartment, be careful to avoid making these mulch mistakes.
#1: Applying too much mulch
Mulch is great, but it needs to be applied in moderation. Some people think that if a little mulch is good, a lot of mulch must be better, but it just isn’t true. That’s why our installers carefully monitor the thickness of your mulch while they are blowing it. If the mulch is too thick, it will get moldy and might damage your plants. Our experts will carefully assess your site and make sure to apply only the amount of mulch you need.
#2: Mulching, then removing
Once you decide to mulch an area with growing plants, you need to stay with it. Let’s say after a few years of mulching your landscape beds you decide to remove it. Your plants have gotten used to the mulch and the protection it brings. If you remove it, the roots will be exposed and plants will die.
If you’re thinking about removing mulch from your landscaping because the upkeep is too much hassle, we can help. Our mulch installers will save you the hard work and disruption involved with spreading mulch manually. They can add fresh mulch to your landscaping in hours instead of days. Let us help improve your curb appeal and save your plants.
#3: Ignoring your mulch
One of the great things about wood mulch is that it breaks down over time. This fertilizes your plants and enriches the soil. However, this also means that your mulch needs to be monitored. Check your mulch occasionally to make sure there are no bare spots or weeds breaking through. If your mulch depth is less than two inches, it’s time to add more.
Fortunately, blown mulch technology makes adding mulch to existing beds fast and easy. We can match you with an installer who will bring mulch to your site and blow it exactly where you want it. It’s easier, faster, and neater than getting a bulk mulch delivery and doing it by hand.
#4: Doing extra work
Some people are tempted to make their mulch project harder than it has to be. For example, most sites do not require any landscaping fabric barriers or plastic sheeting underneath wood mulch. In fact, our experts recommend against putting anything under your mulch. It’s an unnecessary expense that adds work to your project with no benefits.
Some people ask if they need to rake their mulch after it’s installed. While this may be a needed step with manual mulch installation, it’s completely unnecessary with blown mulch. The process installs mulch evenly throughout the site. Your mulch will look great and require no extra work on your part.
#5: Skipping mulch altogether
Let’s face it. Manual mulch projects require a lot of work. You’ve got to arrange for a messy delivery and find a large crew of people. They’ll have to spend days scooping and carrying mulch. If your site is hard to reach or steep, it can be even more work. When faced with all this work, it’s tempting to skip mulch altogether.
Don’t make this mistake. When faced with a large manual mulch project, contact us instead. We can match you with an experienced installer with powerful equipment that can blow mulch anywhere you need it. Let us save you hours of dirty, back-breaking work. We will make your site look great and make you glad you didn’t skip this project.